In order to be able to offer your supporters the option to donate via PayPal in your Touchpoint Solutions, you need to connect your PayPal account to your organization's Hub account.
Getting started
- Contact if you would like us to enable PayPal as a payment method in your Touchpoint Solutions.
- In order to use PayPal's services and products with RaiseNow, a PayPal business account is required. The onboarding process of PayPal will allow you to convert your personal account into a business account or create a new one.
- You can access PayPal in RaiseNow Hub under 'Settings→Payment providers'. If you do not see this payment method, please contact so we can assign the required permissions to your organization.
Step-by-step instructions
1. Log into your RaiseNow Hub account. (If your organization doesn't have a Hub account yet, you can register here : . You will then need to have your account activated and assigned the required permissions by our support team).
2. Go to “Settings / Payment providers”, where PayPal is listed as an available payment provider.
3. Click on the 'Connect' button within the PayPal listing.
4. Follow the redirect and instructions to connect PayPal with Hub. Please note that you can only connect with PayPal with your PayPal business account. The onboarding flow on PayPal's side will depend on your PayPal account status.
- If your organization already has a PayPal business account, use the registered email address to connect this account.
- If you have a personal account, the onboarding process of PayPal will allow you to convert your personal account into a business one.
- If you don't have a PayPal account, the onboarding flow will guide you through the process of creating a new PayPal business account.
5. The connection status will change from inactive to active after successfully connecting your PayPal account. You can now add PayPal as a payment method to your touchpoint solutions.
Details of your connected PayPal account
Clicking on the "Details" link within the PayPal listing will open the payment provider detail view. Here you can access further information on your connected PayPal account.
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