The payment status of each transaction is to be interpreted differently according to the payment method because the status processing is different depending on the payment method.
Final statuses are: Final Success, Final Error, Aborted by User, Timeout, Final Cancel.
Temporary statuses are: New, Sent to Payment Proxy, Intern, Authorization Success, Success, Error From Payment Provider.
Final status
- Final Success: Payment has been completed successfully. For SMS donations: The payment was confirmed by the donor. Once the transaction has this status, the transaction is final and it can't go back to a different status.
- Final Error: The payment could not be finalised and was therefore not successful. Use case: someone enters a wrong CVV code for a credit card payment or the limit of a credit card is exceeded. The donor will be notified immediately of this error with a notification in the widget and will not be redirected to the donation 'Thank you' page. This status can also mean, there was an error on the side of the payment service provider.
For SMS donations, this status means that the donation was not confirmed with a "YES" within an hour. - Aborted by User: Either the donor has aborted the payment during the payment process or has not continued with the entry of his data for a longer period than 12 hours. This consequently leads to termination of the transaction. If the donor tries to reenter the process a notification of the error will appear.
- Timeout: The payment provider no longer accepts the payment because the donor waited too long before making the payment. The payment duration period depends on the individual provider. This status only occurs when the donor spends too much time in the frame of the payment process.
- Final Cancel: This status is available for credit cards and PostFinance cards. The payment has been cleared by the API and no amount is charged to the account of the donor. For example, in the case of recurring payments, the credit card was checked (see Authorization Success) and then the payment was cancelled. All first transactions within a subscription are final cancel transactions, which will automatically trigger the first 'real' transaction within the subscription.
Temporary status (in most cases only a few seconds)
- New: The payment has just been made by the donor and sent to the API. By the end of the day a transaction will always have a final status.
- Sent to payment proxy: The payment is in an intermediate state and has not yet been forwarded to the Payment Service Provider (see Datatrans, Ingenico etc.).
- Intern: The donor will see the form for completing the credit card details on the RaiseNow page. PayPal donations will automatically appear on the PayPal account. PostFinance payments will be cancelled due to the fact that no RaiseNow form is listed.
- Authorization Success: This status is only applicable to recurring payments. Because the first payment will possibly take place later on a defined date, such as the end of the month, depending on the subscription, the payment is checked for validity.
- Success: The payment provider's response is positive and the status will switch to final success within the next seconds.
In the case of Swiss SMS donations, the payment was sent to the operator (Swisscom, Salt, Sunrise), but the donor has not yet confirmed the payment. - Error from payment provider: The Payment Service Provider reports an error. These can be, for example, input errors or security issues. We will ask for the status of the transaction again after 12 hours automatically if the donor has not resolved the issue before. If the error still occurs, the status will change to final error.
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