The following list represents all available payment methods and their abbreviations to initiate transactions via our API.
Payment Method | Providers | Abbreviation | Recurring | Remarks |
American Express | Datatrans, Adyen, Ingenico, Saferpay | amx | ✓ | |
Apple Pay | Stripe | apple_pay | ✓ | |
Diners Club | Datatrans, Adyen, Ingenico, Saferpay | din | ✓ | |
Direct Debit/Lastschriftverfahren | RaiseNow | dd | ✓ | |
Discovery | Adyen, Ingenico, Saferpay | dis | ✓ | |
Google Pay | Stripe | google_pay | ✓ | |
JCB | Adyen, Ingenico, Saferpay | jcb | ✓ | |
KCP | Adyen | kcp | - | only in South Korea |
Maestro | Ingenico | mae | ||
MasterCard | Datatrans, Adyen, Ingenico, Saferpay | eca | ✓ | |
Payment Slip | RaiseNow | chqr | - | only available in Switzerland |
PayPal | PayPal | pp | ✓ | Recurring payments currently not available in China |
PostFinance Card | Datatrans | pfc | ✓ | only available in Switzerland |
PostFinance E-Finance | Datatrans | pef | - | only available in Switzerland |
Stripe | Stripe | stp | ✓ |
check stripe website for supported countries |
Swiss Payment Slip with Reference Number | RaiseNow | chqr | - | only available in Switzerland |
Twint | Datatrans | twi | - | only available in Switzerland |
Visa | Datatrans, Adyen, Ingenico, Saferpay | vis | ✓ |
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