The Payments Tab in our RaiseNow Manager offers an overview over all transactions that have been made for your organisation and is a useful evaluation tool for your finance department.
To gather as much information as possible about your transactions, there are multiple filtering options at hand. We have provided you with the most important ones as one click options.
The predefined filters in the left panel adapt automatically to the actual transactions made in your account (so if you have not had any American Express transactions the filter won't be available to you) and change dynamically when you select them (if you have had only test payments in one currency, once you have selected the currency you will not be able to filter for productive payments anymore)
This is what the top of your filter panel can look like:
Under 'Current Filter Criterias' you will see any filter you have chosen at the moment, in this case the time frame is set to the current year. By clicking the 'x' you can deactivate one filter, by clicking 'Reset filter' you reset all filters. Clicking on 'Save' will allow you to save the set of current filters for future fast-access usage.
(Example: You filter all transactions of the current month that have status final success and are productive to see your real donation amount for the month, if you save this combination of filter criteria you can check the volume easily)
To learn more about how to use the search bar visit this Article: Using a filter in the RaiseNow Manager
Payment Date
The first filter option is to set a time frame. You can choose between pre-defined time frames, such as this year or last month or set your own by clicking on the bar, choosing from and to date and clicking Ok.
Merchant Config
If your organisation has multiple products with us (i.e. SMS donations and E-Payment donations) this filtering option is available to you. Here you can choose the source of the transactions you would like to see, if you're unsure which merchant config points to which product, reach out and we can rename them.
Payment Method
The filter payment method lets you see transactions that have been made through the chosen payment method. You can combine these, e.g. if you would like to see all transactions made with credit cards choose Visa, Master and Amex. These filters will only be available if there have been transactions made with these payment methods. The grey numbers indicate the amount of transactions.
Payment Status
These filters let you filter for all final success transaction only, this allows you to see the amount that will actually land on your bank account (minus commission fees) Click here if you want to learn more about the payment status.
Before your widget is set to production mode you will be testing it by doing test transactions. To filter these out, just choose the Production filter under Mode.
Refund Trasnaction?
If you are doing Refunds via the RaiseNow manager you should filter these out (set it to false) if you are looking for the amount of donations you raised. If you would like to know how many donations you had to refund set it to true. Learn more about Refunds
Recurring payment?
To see all the transactions that were made because of subscriptions pick 'true' in this section. If you want to know how many one-off payments you have had, set it to 'false'.
Lastly, if you have multiple currencies available with our products you can filter for each individual one, by just clicking the one you'd like to know more about!
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