In this article you find an overview of the various parameters that you can display in the RaiseNow Manager. Since the name of the parameters are sometimes not easily understandable, please look through the following list to see whether you can find what you were searching for. If not, please contact us under , we will help you and consequently update this list.
Meaning |
Parameter |
Details of the donation |
RaiseNow transaction id | epp_transaction_id |
Amount of the donation | amount |
Date (on which the donation was made) | created |
Payment method | payment_method_identifier |
Last status of the payment | last_status |
URL (on which the donation was made) | stored_rnw_source_url |
Donation purpose | stored_rnw_purpose_text |
Testmode (describes whether the donation was done in testmode) | test_mode |
The language in which the donation process was done | language |
Merchant: This is the merchant ID of your organisation |
merchant_identifier |
API key: this is the Identifier of the exact service that was used |
merchant_config_identifier |
Details of the donor | |
Country of the donor | stored_customer_country |
E-mail address of the donor | stored_customer_email |
Salutation of the donor | stored_customer_salutation |
Firstname of the donor | stored_customer_firstname |
Lastname of the donor | stored_customer_lastname |
Street of the donor | stored_customer_street |
Zip code of the donor | stored_customer_zip_code |
Place of residence of the donor | stored_customer_city |
If the donor left a message (limit 300 characters) | stored_customer_message: |
Recurring donations | |
Interval of recurring donations | stored_translated_recurring_interval |
The token of the subscription to which this transaction belongs to. | subscription_token |
Parameters for different payment methods
Pay-in Slip | |
Link to the PDF with the pay-in slip | espayment_pdflink |
Shows whether a customer has ordered a pay-in slip via mail | stored_es_ordered |
Credit Card Donations | |
Name of the credit card holder | card_holder_name |
expiry date (year) | expy |
expiry date (month) | expm |
SMS Spenden | |
keyword | stored_keyword |
Short number of the keyword | stored_shortnumber |
Mobile phone number of the customer | stored_customer_phone |
Mobile provider of the customer | smspayment_operator |
Paypal Donations | |
E-mail of the Paypal Account | paypal_customer_email |
Firstname of the Paypal account holder | paypal_customer_firstname |
Lastname of the Paypal account holder | paypal_customer_lastname |
Paypal transaction fee for this donation | paypal_transaction_fee_amount |
You can look up how to filter parameters in the RaiseNow Manager hier .
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