For our RaiseNow Free (formerly Grassroot) customers, we provide in this article an explanation on how to manually reconcile your payments in the RaiseNow Manager with your Fairgive donation billing.
Depending on the payment method this process slightly varies.
This is an example of a Fairgive donation billing:
General Information you can find on the billing statement:
- Billing period in the upper left corner
- Total volume of donations in this period (gross amount)
- Donation volume for each payment method
- Total amount donations in this period
- Total amount transactions per payment method
Important to notice here is that Paypal donations are directly transmitted to the Paypal account of the organisation. Hence, they are not transmitted by Fairgive and Fairgive does not charge a transaction fee.
Credit Cards
All credit card payments will be displayed combined on the billing statement. However, in our RaiseNow Manager we differentiate between Visa, Mastercard and Amex payments. In order to reconcile creditcard payments anyhow, you will need to use the following filter criteria:
- final success
- production
- payment_method_identifier:'VIS' OR payment_method_identifier:'ECA' OR payment_method_identifier:'AMX'
- time period
The filter for payment_method_identifier you will have to set yourself in the full text search field. Every other filter criteria you can add to the search by clicking the correct filter in the left panel. ECA means Mastercard, AMX means American Express and VIS stands for Visa Card.
Under PostFinance donations on the billing statement you will find PostFinance Card as well as PostFinance E-Finance donations. In the RaiseNow Manager these are two different payment methods and you will have to use the filter and full text search field again.
- final success
- production
- payment_method_identifier:'PFC' OR payment_method_identifier:'PEF'
- Zeitfenster
Reconciling Twint payments is a bit easier, since you can add all filter criteria per click in the left panel.
- final success
- production
- payment_method_: TWINT
- Zeitfenster
Same process as with Twint . Please use here the payment method 'Paypal REST API':
- final success
- production
- payment_method_: Paypal REST API
- Zeitfenster
Tip: We recommend to save the filter without the time period. This way you can simply use the existing filter each month and only add the time period.
In case you have additional questions regarding the manual reconciliation of our RaiseNow Free widget, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at
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