This release is a major milestone for our integration with Dynamics, providing support for our new Hub platform. According to the currently available payment methods in the new Hub platform, this adds support for the following payment methods:
- Apple Pay via Stripe, one-off and recurring
- Google Pay via Stripe, one-off and recurring
- Sepa Direct Debit via Stripe, one-off and recurring
- Credit Card payment via Stripe, one-off and recurring
- Twint natively via RaiseNow, one-off (settlement payouts by RaiseNow)
Deduplication for contacts and accounts is supported for all below use cases as documented here.
How do I get this release?
Please install the solution attached to this article. This will ensure your data model in Dynamics is compatible. Afterwards, please create a ticket with RaiseNow ( to request an update for the backend component.
Please note: With this release the synchronization of payment submitted via the Twint app from our new Hub platform to the RaiseNow Manager platform must be disabled. Payments from the TwintApp will be directly transferred from the Hub platform to Dynamics. This mean you will no longer see the payments in the RaiseNow Manager.
New fields provided with this release
Please note: These fields will only be set for records created via the new Hub platform. The data model for records created via the Manager platform remains unchanged.
- rnw_payeriban
- rnw_ccexpiryyear
- rnw_ccexpirymonth
- rnw_ccnumber
- rnw_sepamandatesignaturedate
- rnw_sepaaccountholder
- rnw_sepamandateurl
- rnw_paymentbrandcode
- rnw_paymentwallettype
- rnw_analyticschannel
- rnw_analyticspreselectedamount
- rnw_analyticssuggestedamounts
- rnw_productname
- rnw_productsourceurl
- rnw_touchpointsolutionuuid
- rnw_touchpointsolutionname
- rnw_sepamandatereference
- rnw_paymentbrandcode
- rnw_paymentwallettype
Payment Method:
- Wallet
Support for Hub subscription activation
When a new subscription is activated in RaiseNow Hub, the corresponding commitment will be created in Dynamics. A payment schedule will be created for this commitment.
Support for Hub recurring payments
When a subscription charge is executed in RaiseNow Hub, the resulting payment will be transferred to dynamics as a transaction. The transaction will link to the payment schedule and the commitment. Transactions will receive status codes in Dynamics (successful, failed) according to the status code map configured during onboarding.
Support for subscription cancellation / commitment deactivation
If a donor cancels a RaiseNow subscription via Self-Service, both the payment schedule and the commitment in Dynamics will be deactivated. The field
rnw_raisenowsubscriptioncancellationstatus: 124870000
on the commitment and the payment schedule will indicate that the cancellation was triggered by RaiseNow.
If a donor commitment is deactivated in Dynamics, the corresponding subscription in Hub will be cancelled. The field
rnw_raisenowsubscriptioncancellationstatus: 124870001
on the commitment and the payment schedule will indicate that the cancellation was initiated in dynamics.
Updated webhook registration in Dynamics
During the onboarding process RaiseNow registers a webhook in Dynamics. This is necessary to inform RaiseNow about changes in the commitment status (deactivation). This mechanism has been updated to enable our integration layer to differentiate between RaiseNow Hub and RaiseNow Manager subscriptions when changes are reported by Dynamics.
Support for Hub one-off payments
When a successful one-off payment is reported by RaiseNow hub, a donor commitment and a transaction for this commitment will be created in Dynamics.
Treat exceptions containing ‘too many requests’ (HTTP Status Code 429) as transient failure
If Dynamics reports an exception with a message matching the regex
'/Status: 429 .+Throttled.+Request was not processed because too many requests were received/Us' 2
, this will now be treated as a transient failure, resulting in periodic automatic retries by RaiseNow.
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