This object reference is based on the managed package RaiseNow Fundraising Kit for Salesforce version 1.26
Fundraiser Feedback: The feedback for a particular fundraiser
- RaiseNow__Rating__c
- Rating: The rating of the fundraiser in percent. I.e. values between 0 and 100 are accepted.
- RaiseNow__Feedback__c
- Feedback: Any free-text feedback for the fundraiser.
- RaiseNow__Subscription__c
- Subscription: The subscription at which the feedback for the fundraiser was given.
- RaiseNow__Fundraiser__c
- Fundraiser: The fundraiser for which the feedback was given.
- RaiseNow__Transaction__c
- Transaction: The transaction at which the feedback for the fundraiser was given.
RaiseNow Reversal Succeeded: No description available
- RaiseNow__Reversed_Payment_Identifier__c
- Reversed Payment Identifier: The RaiseNow identifier of the original payment specified as reversed. This may be NULL if RaiseNow has no record of the reversed payment.
- RaiseNow__Reversal_Reason__c
- Reversal Reason: The reason for the reveral as specified by the payment service provider.
- RaiseNow__Provider_Reversal_Identifier__c
- Provider Reversal Identifier: The identifier for the reversal as provided by the payment service provider.
- RaiseNow__Reversal_Identifier__c
- Reversal Identifier: The RaiseNow identifier for the reversal.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Provider__c
- Payment Provider: The payment service provider RaiseNow interacted with to handle the payment.
- RaiseNow__Donation_Receipt_Requested__c
- Donation Receipt Requested: Whether the donor requested a receipt for his donation while interacting with a RaiseNow touchpoint.
- RaiseNow__Invoice_Identifier__c
- Invoice Identifier: The identifier of the corresponding invoice at RaiseNow.
- RaiseNow__Acquirer_Payout_Received__c
- Acquirer Payout Received: Whether a corresponding acquirer payout has been received which covers this opportunity.
- RaiseNow__Net_Amount__c
- Net Amount: The net amount of this opportunity as referenced in an acquirer payout.
- RaiseNow__Cover_The_Fee_Fixed_Fee__c
- Cover The Fee Fixed Fee: Indicates the amount added to the donation as a resolut of the cover-the-fee option if a fixed transaction fee is defined in the touchpoint.
- RaiseNow__Value_Date__c
- Value Date: The date when this opportunity's amount was received on the bank account.
- RaiseNow__Gross_Amount__c
- Gross Amount: The gross amount of this opportunity as referenced in an acquirer payout.
- RaiseNow__Transaction_Link__c
- RaiseNow Transaction Link: The link to the corresponding transaction in the RaiseNow Manager.
- RaiseNow__Donation_Url__c
- Donation URL: The link to the website where the donation initiating this opportunity was created.
- RaiseNow__Cover_The_Fee_Amount__c
- Cover The Fee Amount: Indicates the amount added to the donation as a resolut of the cover-the-fee option.
- RaiseNow__Transaction_Identifier__c
- Transaction Identifier: The identifier of the corresponding transaction at RaiseNow
- RaiseNow__Cover_The_Fee__c
- Cover The Fee: Indicates if the donor selected the cover-the-fee option in the donation checkout.
- RaiseNow__Cover_The_Fee_Percentage__c
- Cover The Fee Percentage: Indicates the amount added to the donation as a resolut of the cover-the-fee option if a percentage based transaction fee is defined in the touchpoint.
Contract: The mandate for the Direct Debit (DD) money transfer. Can be within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA).
- RaiseNow__Mandate_Type__c
- Mandate Type: Whether the mandate is given only for a one-time payment or for recurring payments.
- RaiseNow__Hard_Copy_Reference__c
- Hard Copy Reference: A reference to the hard copy of the direct debit mandate.
- RaiseNow__Mandate_Reference__c
- Mandate Reference: The reference of the Direct Debit mandate.
- RaiseNow__Mandate_Status__c
- Mandate Status: The status of the mandate.
- RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Variant__c
- Direct Debit Variant: The variant of direct debit used to create this mandate.
Payment Reference: A reference of a business process indicating how particular object records are related.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Reference__c
- Payment Reference: A reference of the payment.
- RaiseNow__Opportunity__c
- Opportunity: The opportunity linked to the business process.
- RaiseNow__Contact__c
- Contact: The contact related to this business process.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Option_Line1__c
- Payment Option Line1: Payment option code line for an unspecified amount.
- RaiseNow__Subscription__c
- RaiseNow Subscription: A subscription related to the business process.
- RaiseNow__Business_Process_Type__c
- Business Process Type: The type of a Business Process which should be executed by RaiseNow for the specified Payment Reference. Please note that some fields are mandatory and should thus not be removed manually.
- RaiseNow__Formatted_Payment_Reference__c
- Formatted Payment Reference: A formatted payment reference for better readibility.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Option_Line2__c
- Payment Option Line2: Payment option code line for a specified amount.
- RaiseNow__Campaign__c
- Campaign: A campaign related to the business process
Bank Account: A Bank Account involved in a RaiseNow transaction or subscription.
- RaiseNow__IBAN__c
- IBAN: The International Bank Account Number (IBAN) without any spaces in-between groups.
- RaiseNow__BIC__c
- BIC: The Business Identifier Code (BIC) of the bank.
- RaiseNow__Bank_Name__c
- Bank Name: The name of the bank at which the bank account exists.
- RaiseNow__Clearing__c
- Clearing: The clearing number which identifies a financial institution in Switzerland & Liechtenstein
Saved Payment Method: A saved payment method reflects the means of how a payment was made, e.g. a CreditCard. Instead of storing the raw credit card credentials, a saved payment method allows to charge such a means without exposing its details.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Source_Identifier__c
- Saved Payment Method Identifier: The identifier of the payment source used when executing charges against stored payment source via the RaiseNow API.
- RaiseNow__Customer__c
- Customer: Link to the RaiseNow customer object record.
- RaiseNow__Masked_Credit_Card__c
- Masked Credit Card: The credit card number in its masked form
- RaiseNow__Account_Identifier__c
- Account Identifier: The identifier of the account for which this transaction was created.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Method__c
- Payment Method: The payment method of the payment source.
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_Payment_Reference_Begin__c
- RaiseNow Payment Reference Begin: Starting point in the number range while generating reference numbers (inclusive).
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_P2P_Campaign_Identifier__c
- RaiseNow P2P Campaign Identifier: The identifier of the campaign within the RaiseNow P2P Platform.
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_Payment_Reference_Algorithm__c
- RaiseNow Payment Reference Algorithm: The algorithm to use while generating Payment References for Members of the Campaign. Overwrite your default configuration with this value.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Option1_Element2__c
- Payment Option Postfix: Trailing element for the generated payment option. Overwrite your default configuration with this campaign specific value.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Option1_Element1__c
- Payment Option Prefix: First two digits of the generated payment option. Overwrite your default configuration with this campaign specific value.
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_Payment_Reference_Prefix__c
- RaiseNow Payment Reference Prefix: Campaign specific element in the generated reference numbers. This is a user defined sequence which should be prepended to the variadic part of the Payment Reference.
- RaiseNow__Optional_Payment_Amount__c
- RaiseNow Optional Payment Amount: Amount which will be used to generate the payment option with a defined amount in the payment reference object.
Transaction: A transaction from RaiseNow.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Provider__c
- Payment Provider: The payment service provider RaiseNow interacted with to handle this payment.
- RaiseNow__Charge_Attempt_Identifier__c
- Charge Attempt Identifier: The identifier of the charge attempt.
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_Fees__c
- RaiseNow Fees: The fees RaiseNow charged for the transaction.
- RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c
- Business Process Reference: The business process in which this transaction was referenced.
- RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Mandate__c
- Direct Debit Mandate: The Direct Debit Mandate used for charging.
- RaiseNow__NPSP_Payment__c
- NPSP Payment: The corresponding payment in the Non-Profit Success Pack.
- RaiseNow__Opportunity__c
- Opportunity: The corresponding Opportunity.
- RaiseNow__Net_Amount__c
- Net Amount: The net amount of the transaction as seen by reconciliation.
- RaiseNow__Acquirer_Transaction_ID__c
- Acquirer Transaction ID: The ID of the transaction at the Acquirer.
- RaiseNow__Supporter_Message__c
- Supporter Message: An optional message supporters can leave during giving.
- RaiseNow__Reconciliation_Report_Identifier__c
- Reconciliation Report Identifier: Used for dynamically creating a Reconciliation Report if no such Report could been found during insertion of this transaction.
- RaiseNow__Collection_Date__c
- Collection Date: No description available
- RaiseNow__Original_Currency__c
- Original Currency: The currency as seen originally.
- RaiseNow__Fundraising_Location_Identifier__c
- Fundraising Location Identifier: The identifier of a location where the fundraiser or the fundraising team was positioned during initiating this transaction.
- RaiseNow__Transfer_Amount__c
- Transfer Amount: The amount which was transferred to the bank account. Is not necessarily the result of Gross Amount minus Net Amount.
- RaiseNow__Value_Date__c
- Value Date: The value date of the transaction, i.e. the date when the amount of the transaction was paid out to the bank account.
- RaiseNow__Original_Amount__c
- Original Amount: The amount selected in the initial payment process
- RaiseNow__Gross_Amount__c
- Gross Amount: The gross amount as seen by reconciliation.
- RaiseNow__Reconciliation_Report__c
- Reconciliation Report: The reconciliation report which further specifies details of this reconciled transaction. This must be the same as the corresponding Reconciliation Report Identifier. If not, it will be overwritten the next time, the transaction is updated.
- RaiseNow__Original_Gross_Amount__c
- Original Gross Amount: The gross amount as provided by the acquiring partner during reconciliation.
- RaiseNow__Processing_Date__c
- Processing Date: The date and time when the transaction has been processed by RaiseNow.
- RaiseNow__Acquirer_Fees__c
- Acquirer Fees: The fees the acquirer charged for the transaction.
- RaiseNow__Fundraiser__c
- Fundraiser: The fundraiser which has initiated this transaction.
- RaiseNow__Bank_Account__c
- Bank Account: The bank account which is credited.
- RaiseNow__Transaction_Identifier__c
- Transaction Identifier: The identifier of the transaction in RaiseNow.
- RaiseNow__Account_Identifier__c
- Account Identifier: The identifier of the account for which this transaction was created.
- RaiseNow__Pain_008_File__c
- Pain 008 File: Pain file that collection instructions for this payment.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Method__c
- Payment Method: The payment method used for the transaction.
- RaiseNow__Taxes__c
- Taxes: The taxes charged on the transaction.
- RaiseNow__Fundraising_Team__c
- Fundraising Team: The fundraising team which was involved in initiating this transaction.
Payment Reference Configuration: Holds configurations of how to generate payment references
- RaiseNow__Prefix__c
- Prefix: Digits that will prefix all generated payment references
- RaiseNow__Payment_Option1_Element2__c
- Payment Option Postfix: Trailing element for the generated payment option.
- RaiseNow__Payment_Option1_Element1__c
- Payment Option Prefix: First two digits of the generated payment option.
- RaiseNow__Algorithm__c
- Algorithm: Algorithm used to generate payment references.
- RaiseNow__Begin__c
- Begin: Starting point in the number range while generating references (inclusive)
RaiseNow Bulk Import: File containing a list of objects to import to Salesforce through RaiseNow
- RaiseNow__Status_Reason__c
- Status Reason: Additional information on the status of your import.
- RaiseNow__Item_Type__c
- Item Type: The type of import file provided.
- RaiseNow__Status__c
- Status: The current status of the import process.
- RaiseNow__Row_Count__c
- Row Count: The number of rows successfully validated by RaiseNow after importing.
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_Payment_Reference__c
- RaiseNow Payment Reference: Link to the payment reference object for that campaign member.
Customer: A customer who creates payments and subscriptions.
- RaiseNow__Customer_Identifier__c
- Customer Identifier: The identifier of the customer at RaiseNow. Do not edit!
- RaiseNow__Contact__c
- Contact: Link to the contact object record.
Notification Endpoint Settings: No description available
- RaiseNow__Instance_Data_Category__c
- Instance Data Category: This field defines the type of actions being triggered in RaiseNow.
- RaiseNow__Notification_Endpoint__c
- Notification Endpoint: This field specifies the notification endpoint for the RaiseNow API.
Pain 008 File: This custom object stores information about each pain.008 file containing in particular the location of the file and the service to retrieve affected subscriptions.
- RaiseNow__Uploaded_To_Bank__c
- Uploaded to Bank: The user may check this box to indicate that the file has been uploaded to a bank.
- RaiseNow__Credited_Bank_Account__c
- Credited Bank Account: The bank account specified in the pain.008 file for reception of the funds.
- RaiseNow__Pain008_File_Name__c
- Pain.008 File Name: The object name of the generated pain.008 file.
- RaiseNow__Number_Of_Payments_In_File__c
- Number of Payments in File: The number of individual payments specified in the pain file.
- RaiseNow__Pain008_File_Created_On__c
- Pain.008 File Created On: The date on which RaiseNow generated the pain.008 file.
- RaiseNow__Language__c
- Language: This is the language the Contact has chosen when he was initially interacting with a RaiseNow touchpoint.
- RaiseNow__Newsletter_Permission_Given__c
- Newsletter Permission: This field denotes whether we are allowed to send newsletters to the Contact via email
- RaiseNow__Fundraising_Team__c
- Fundraising Team: If the contact is a member of a fundraising team, this field links to that team.
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_Subscription_Token__c
- RaiseNow Subscription Token: The RaiseNow subscription token is automatically added to the recurring donation if applicable.
- RaiseNow__Supporter_Message__c
- Supporter Message: The message from the supporter made during creation of this recurring donation.
Fundraising Team: A team of fundraisers.
- RaiseNow__Type__c
- Type: The type of a fundraising team.
CamtFile: No description available
- RaiseNow__HasRecordBeenSentToRaiseNow__c
- HasRecordBeenSentToRaiseNow: This field indicates if the record in question has already been provided to RaiseNow for processing.
- RaiseNow__Bank_Name__c
- Bank Name: Name of the bank from which this camt file originated
Subscription: A subscription from RaiseNow. It links a commitment for a recurring payment with the payments for each installment.
- RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Mandate__c
- Direct Debit Mandate: Link to the direct debit mandate object record.
- RaiseNow__Fundraising_Location_Identifier__c
- Fundraising Location Identifier: The identifier of a location where the fundraiser or the fundraising team was positioned while initiating this transaction.
- RaiseNow__Original_Amount__c
- Original Amount: The amount initially selected in the payment process.
- RaiseNow__Bulk_Import__c
- Bulk Import: Link to the bulk import by which the object is created.
- RaiseNow__Saved_Payment_Method__c
- Saved Payment Method: Reference to the payment source if a payment source with created with the subscription in RaiseNow.
- RaiseNow__Subscription_Identifier__c
- Subscription Identifier: The identifier of the subscription in RaiseNow (a.k.a. subscription token). Do not edit!
- RaiseNow__Fundraiser__c
- Fundraiser: Link to the fundraiser responsible for collecting the donation.
- RaiseNow__Bank_Account__c
- Bank Account: Link to the provided bank account for a direct debit payment order.
- RaiseNow__Account_Identifier__c
- Account Identifier: The identifier of the account at RaiseNow in which this subscription was created. Do not edit!
- RaiseNow__Payment_Method__c
- Payment Method: The payment method used while creating the subscription.
- RaiseNow__Fundraising_Team__c
- Fundraising Team: Link to the fundraising team responsible for collection the donation.
- RaiseNow__NPSP_Recurring_Donation__c
- NPSP Recurring Donation: The corresponding recurring donation from the Non-Profit Success Pack.
RaiseNow Payment Failed: No description available
- RaiseNow__Failed_Payment_Identifier__c
- Failed Payment Identifier: RaiseNow Uuid of the failed payment.
- RaiseNow__Currency__c
- Currency: Currency specified in the failed payment.
- RaiseNow__Amount__c
- Amount: Amount specified in the failed payment.
Reconciliation Report: A report summarizing information about a reconciled payout.
- RaiseNow__Recipient_Bank_Account__c
- Recipient Bank Account: The bank account to which the transfer was made.
- RaiseNow__Number_of_Payments_in_Report__c
- Number of Payments in Report: How many payments are contained within the report.
- RaiseNow__RaiseNow_Fees__c
- RaiseNow Fees: The fees of RaiseNow.
- RaiseNow__Currency__c
- Currency: The currency identifier used in the Reconciliation Report.
- RaiseNow__Net_Amount__c
- Net Amount: The total net amount (not necessarily the subtraction gross amount - fee Amount)
- RaiseNow__Number_of_Chargebacks_in_Report__c
- Number of Chargebacks in Report: How many charge backs are contained within the report.
- RaiseNow__Recipient_Bank_Name__c
- Recipient Bank Name: The name of the bank to which the payout was made.
- RaiseNow__Transfer_Amount__c
- Transfer Amount: The total amount transferred to the bank acocunt. This value can differ from the total net amount in cases where a debt needs to be taken into account.
- RaiseNow__Acquirer_Transfer_ID__c
- Acquirer Transfer ID: The id of the transfer at the acquirer.
- RaiseNow__Number_of_Refunds__c
- Number of Refunds in Report: How many refunded payments are contained within the report.
- RaiseNow__Value_Date__c
- Value Date: The date when the payout was made to the bank account.
- RaiseNow__Gross_Amount__c
- Gross Amount: The total gross of the transfer.
- RaiseNow__Acquirer_Name__c
- Acquirer Name: The name of the acquirer.
- RaiseNow__Created_At__c
- Created At: Created date of the report.
- RaiseNow__Acquirer_Fees__c
- Acquirer Fees: The fees of the acquirer for the report's transactions.
- RaiseNow__Acquirer_Transfer_Date__c
- Acquirer Transfer Date: The date when the acquirer initiated the transfer of the payout.
- RaiseNow__Statement_Identifier__c
- Statement Identifier: The RaiseNow reconciliation statement identifier for which a reconciliation report was created.
- RaiseNow__Number_of_Reversals_in_Report__c
- Number of Reversals in Report: The number of reversals the report contains.
- RaiseNow__Taxes__c
- Taxes: The amount of taxes.
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