A recurring donation created via the FormunautsApp will create the following objects in Salesforce:
- Contact
- NPC & NPSP Recurring Donation
- RaiseNow Subscription
- A RaiseNow Bank Account
- A RaiseNow Direct Debit Mandate
Please ensure the FormunautsApp is correctly configured according to this guide. Otherwise data may not be complete or processes may fail entirely.
Data Model
The RaiseNow subscriptions will link relevant objects (such as NPC & NPSP Recurring Donation and Direct Debit Mandate) as well as contain additional data:
- Collecting fundraiser (lookup to a Salesforce Contact based on the Salesforce object ID provided in the FormunautsApp configruation)
- Collecting fundraising team (lookup to a RaiseNow Fundraising Team in Salesforce based on the object Id provided in the FormunautsApp configuration)
- Marketing location (text field) as provided in the FormunautsApp configuration
- Bank Account (lookup)
- Direct Debit Mandate (lookup)
The FormunautsApp allows your fundraisers to collect direct debit mandates on the street, including the signature.
When such a donation is received, RaiseNow will create an object for the bank account and a direct debit mandate object.
The linked bank account (RaiseNow__Bank_Account__c) will contain the provided IBAN and bank name.
And the linked direct debit mandate object (RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Mandate__c)
will contain the signature status and the PDF as an attachment.
Solicitors for Face-to-Face Donors
For a new one-off or recurring donation the FormunautsApp may pass the Salesforce ContactId of a fundraiser. If the corresponding parameter is present in the RaiseNow transaction or the RaiseNow subscription, RaiseNow will automatically create a relationship between the donor and the fundraiser.
The resulting Opportunities in Salesforce will automatically have a corresponding contact role record.
You can leverage this feature to automatically assign soft credits to your fundraiser using the corresponding functionality in NPC & NPSP. See https://powerofus.force.com/s/article/NPSP-Automated-Soft-Credits#ariaid-title4 for details.
To make use of this feature you have to create your fundraisers as Contacts within Salesforce. The FormunautsApp has support for assigning the Salesforce ContactId to the fundraiser on the street.
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