Before you start
We are happy that you want to join the TWINT Giving Portal. Before you start preparing the image for your organisation profile, make sure you meet the preconditions described below.
Who can use this feature
Supported for RaiseNow Growth customers who plan to use the TWINT Giving Portal.
What you need to have
- An image processing tool like Photoshop or similar
- Some basic knowledge about using this image processing tool
- The RaiseNow help frame (which you can download at the bottom of the page)
- At least one nice image you want to use for the TWINT Giving Portal with a minimum size of 2072 × 1512 px
- Note: To be able to play around with the focus area we recommend a bigger image.
Preparing your picture
Because we are providing a nice zoom effect in the TWINT Giving Portal it is important, that you prepare your image as described so the most important content is always in focus.
Step-by-step guide
- Open your image processing tool
- Open the image you want to work with
- Load the RaiseNow help frame (see attached file) in your open picture.
- Make sure, that the RaiseNow help frame dimensions are at least 2072 × 1512 px
- Note: You can always increase the size of the RaiseNow help frame, but never make it smaller than 2072 × 1512 px
- Now the fun part begins. Look for a great and engaging sweet spot in your image as a central focal point by moving the RaiseNow help frame over the image. Your hotspot should be in the center frame of the white square.
- Whenever needed you can scale up or down the RaiseNow help frame but always do this proportionally and never scale under 2072 × 1512 px.
- When you find your sweet spot, you need to copy and paste the image content of your frame. For this use the Rectangular Marquee Tool (Photoshop) or any other selection tool and draw a square around the outer boarder of the RaiseNow help frame.
- Change to the layer of your picture
- Press Command+C (Mac) or Ctrl+C (Windows) to copy the selection to your clipboard
- Go to File -> New -> From clipboard
- Paste the selection from your clipboard in the new file by pressing Command+V (Mac) or Ctrl+V (Windows)
- You are almost done. Go to File -> Export -> Export as…
- Choose format JPG and lower image size to 2072 × 1512 px (if not set already).
- Decrease the image quality (in %) until the file size is 200 KB or less and export your image.
Tips & tricks
- Think about what do you really want to have in focus.
- Think of a story you want to tell.
- Choose an image with enough space around the sweet spot.
- If you somehow need to cut off a face, try to move the person out totally.
- If you have to cut off a face just a bit, it's better to do it on the forehead than on the chin.
- And last but not least, don't give up. Move the frame around. Sometimes new things appear. And yes, sometimes you need to use a different picture.
What it looks like in action…
The RaiseNow help frame
To make it easy for you to provide the best image possible or to check if the focus area of your picture will be shown, we provide you the RaiseNow help frame with two relevant areas:
- Focus area is the area that will always be visible. Make sure, that this is the most relevant content in your picture.
- Border area is the area that will be partially hidden. Size of the hidden area may depend on the screen size of the device as well as the size of the text area below the image.
Simply download the .PNG attached and you are ready to go!
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