Each query parameter should have "rnw-" prefix.
Example: https://tamaro.raisenow.com/futurogoal-demo/latest/index.html?rnw-payment_type=recurring&rnw-recurring_interval=yearly
Allowed fields to be prefilled are:
- 'purpose', 'currency', 'payment_type', 'recurring_interval', 'payment_method', 'amount'
- all other fields ('stored_<field_name>') if they are present in config.payment_form_prefill object, e.g. 'stored_customer_firstname'
Fields that are restricted to prefill:
- 'cardno', 'expm', 'expy', 'cvv', 'bankiban', 'bankbic', 'iban', 'payer_line1', 'payer_line2', 'payer_line3', 'payer_line4'
1 comment
I know how to create a URL that links to a certain amount, e.g. ?rnw-amount=30, ?rnw-amount=75 etc.
But which parameter can I use in order to link to the field where a donor can type in a custom amount ("Individueller Betrag")?
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