Please note: A review of the QR code that you have downloaded directly from RaiseNow Hub is not necessary.
However, we recommend you to send us the layout (e.g. a flyer, a booklet or a poster, as a PDF file) in which you have integrated your QR code at for us to review it. This way we want to ensure that the code has not been changed (distortion, color, transparency) and its function is not affected.
We will get back to you with our feedback as soon as possible.
While you are waiting for our feedback, and before you print your final marketing material in large quantities, you should definitely test the QR code's functionality by first printing one copy in the original size, scanning the QR code and submitting a payment (please validate it).
In case the payment fails, please feel free to send us an email at mentioning the type of error that you get and if possible send us one or several screenshots with the error message.
For further information please also consider the RaiseNow TWINT QR Styleguide
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